Friday, January 29, 2010

Muscian Elaine Faye

Last week I did a shoot for musician Elaine Faye for her new album due out in March. The album is called Matters of the Heart so she wanted cover work along that theme. We were going for more of a gritty look that had this tiny bit of warmth to it. Last week was also when Southern California was hit with torrential downpours and crazy windstorms everyday. Somehow we managed to schedule to shoot in the only 2 hour block that was mild the entire week. The sun wasn't out because of the impending rain, which made for perfect light. And literally 20 minutes after the shoot ended it was pouring again. We also made some workers day because she was modeling outside their warehouse in a tiny white dress on a cold windy lunch break they probably had all week.

Anyway, the first two images are most likely what the final effects will look like as far as color and texture, and the rest are just some of my favorite images from the shoot. (you can click some of the images to see bigger) What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. OH I just love the one with her legs and the open guitar case....
